St. Ives is one of my favouritest places in the whole world. I do not think this is an exageration at all. It is where I spent my honeymoon and it is the place I go once a year to replenish my batteries and take in some sea air. Cornwall is a bit like another planet really, stuck on it's own little spikey bit of the UK, difficult to get to, and slightly remote and weatherbeaten on stormy days. I heard a great phrase this time about the shop opening times. I was confused one morning that all the shops were shut at 10, and thought maybe it was a special day in Cornwall when shops were just shut, but was told that they went by Cornish time, ie 10-ish, 11-ish etc. So basically whenever people felt like opening. I like this though, and did not mind the idiosyncrasy.

As usual we went to the Tate and the Barbara Hepworth, not too keen on the artist in the Tate, but I love the garden of Barbara Hepworth's house and always love sitting there.