Felt is a marvelous substance, Josef Beuys used felt in a number of works, for which aspect I love him. On drum cymbal stands, it protects the cymbal from cracking and ensures a clean sound, you can make it into hats and it keeps nomadic peoples warm and dry, and yet it comes from the soft and lovely wool of a sheep and can also be soft and delicate and used in needlework, and to make tiny coats for little dolly people.
This week I have been having more fun with felt, some more coats, some embroidery and some scarfy pieces too. The felt I have is so lovely that it is unlike any felt I have used before, it is much softer than the normal stuff you get in craft shops, and I think it is hand dyed so that the colour is soft and variable too.
Your felt coat are amazing! Today my yellow one arrives and it it simply perfect! I love it<3 can't wait to see the stuff of the next update ^__^
Oh, Hilary, I love so much your work!! Absolutely lovely!! :-D
Thank you both for your lovely comments. I would like to get some more of this felt but it is very expensive and comes in quite small pieces. I will try.
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